About Jane Easly
Jane Easly, MEd, CSCS, LLC
Jane’s innovative vision is a synergy of high performance strength and conditioning programming, therapeutic movement, mobility and yoga.
She is a true educator and strives to instill a sense of self-awareness and responsibility in her clients, so that they can be active participants in their own fitness and health.
With more than three decades of elite training experience, advanced degrees in exercise science, and certifications in strength, conditioning and yoga. She has devoted her life to coaching others in movement and strength grounded in a holistic approach to well being.
All of her programs are based on cutting edge, pain free training methodologies and are personally overseen with acute attention.
Master's Degree in Exercise Physiology
Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (NSCA)
Recognized Personal Trainer Emeritus (NSCA)
Oxygen Advantage Certified Advanced Instructor
Certified Pain Free Performance Specialist
Certified Breath Science Practitioner
XPT Certified Performance Breathing Coach
Certified (FRC) Flow Trainer
Certified Enlifted Athlete Coach
Certified Yoga Teacher
Steel Mace Flow Certified Level 2 Coach
Certified Kettlebell Master Trainer
Certified World Kettlebell Club Coach (WKC)
Certified Bodyweight Training Specialist
Certified Original Strength Coach
Certified Exercise Nutrition Coach (Precision Nutrition)